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Island Health
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Community Care Facilities



This page provides information on routine and follow up inspections for residential care and child care facilities licensed under the Community Care and Assisted Living Act. If during a routine inspection of a licensed residential care or child care facility, a Licensing Officer finds that regulatory requirements are not met, the facility will be cited as in contravention of the legislative requirements, a follow up inspection will be conducted, which will also appear on the web page. If the facility has corrected the contravention, then the follow up inspection will appear blank. If the facility has not corrected the contravention, the same section of the legislation will appear on the follow up inspection. If additional requirements are not met during the follow up inspection, they will also appear. RCR refers to the Residential Care Regulations which can be found in its entirety at And CCLR refers to Child Care Licensing Regulation.

Community Care Facilities
